Do you need to hire a Miami Event Videography Company?
Are you planning an event in the Miami area? If you are, you’re going to need event videography services. Of course, it’s more than simply taping a record of the event. And whether it’s a business event, trade show, sporting event, convention, conference, single speaker, or panel discussion, you want to hire the best Miami event videography company.
Here’s why: considering the time, cost and resources that go into planning each event, you can’t take a chance on the quality of your video services. Remember, long after the event ends, the video can be used for a variety of marketing tactics. They include:
• “B” roll footage
• Website videos
• Email videos
• Video news releases
• Social media content
These are just some of the ways video content from an event can be used once the crowds have left. But how do you hire a Miami event videography company? There are several key considerations that go into your decision, which I’ll explore in detail.
Experience Counts when you Hire a Miami Event Videography Company
There are many different types of videography companies. Some specialize in advertising, weddings, documentary style videos, educational videos, real estate, and corporate videos. Others have extensive experience in event videography. And that’s the experience you want to look at when you hire a Miami event videography company.
Event videography is more than simply taping the people who are talking. You also want experienced directors who know how to engage speakers, ask pertinent questions, and conduct quality interviews. Our directors can capture the sound bites that will make your video stand out from others. It’s one more way to ensure your video is picked up by news stations and others when promoting or talking about the event once it’s concluded.
Ask About Equipment when you Hire a Miami Event Videography Company
There are two main factors when you’re looking to hire a Miami event videography company. The first is the type of event you’re hiring for. This could be a concert, sports event, or live performance. It could also be a trade show, panel discussion, training video or board meeting. The list is endless.
The second factor is the company’s equipment required to not only film the event, but to edit the footage that’s captured as well. Having high-end cameras is key, because often the lighting at event venues is not optimal for videography. Having good cameras is crucial to obtain quality footage of the event. Also, make sure that when you hire a Miami event videography company, they have multiple cameras available in case a multi-camera shoot is desired or required.
Other location equipment would be lighting (supplemental and main), quality microphones and sound equipment, small cranes, dollies for motion shots and portable playback equipment. Drones can also be used. When it comes to editing the footage, you want to be sure the company has the best editing equipment available.
Find an Experienced Crew with a Quality Director
Start by making sure you’ll be working with an experienced video produce/director/editor. Editing is where your video springs to life and having the right video storyteller can make all the difference in the world. The right video editor can bring out the best audio and video quality from the footage that was shot. They can determine the best scene transitions to use and do color correcting and sound leveling when required. They can also add graphics and special effects to enhance the video and ensure you’re getting the most from the footage that was captured at the event.
Look for Marketing Expertise when you Hire a Miami Event Videographer
Capturing footage at an event is crucial, but once it’s edited you can use it for a variety of marketing activities. That’s why you should look for marketing expertise when you hire a Miami event videographer. They can help develop a variety of marketing materials, including website videos, social media posts and video news releases.
These are just some of the ways that a Miami event videographer can help leverage the footage that is shot. There are other ways as well - all designed to help you meet your goals.
That’s a Wrap!
At Ball Media Innovations, we’ve produced many event videos for a wide range of companies. We’ve also produced tons of website and social media videos. We understand that each event has special requirements, and we offer many innovative ways to put video production to work for you. We also offer highly professional, A-Team crew members with competitive pricing.
What should you do now?
I would be happy to share our event videos with you and provide you with a cost estimate - with no obligation of course! Learn more about our event video production company or click on the link below to contact us and get the process started.
About the Author & His Company: Greg Ball, is President of Ball Media Innovations, Inc. Prior to starting the company, he ran the Burger King World Headquarters video operation. Greg founded Ball Media as a Miami video production company in 2002. He eventually expanded services to also become an Orlando video production company. Greg directs shows in both locations, as well as nationally, with crews throughout the country.
Ball Media Innovations specializes in producing videos for businesses as well as the medical community. This includes web videos, marketing and training videos, social media videos, convention, conference, and trade show videos.